This product extends the communication between the students and the classes beyond just the school experience. It allows the students to register with the school and gain access to various cutting edge services in teleconference education, like access to novel performance parameters that need to be reported them clearly. This is ideal in case there are new methodologies that are being used such as notifications and online discussions that challenge geo-locations.
There are different areas in education that we have developed solutions for. The first area is for students younger than 9th grade. The solution for this area is very simplified and focuses on basic science like math and biology. Entertainment is a big feature in the solution for this area. Toys are central part in lightening up the imagination of the young students.
Our solution allows the students to make teams online and schedule the times for the games, such that there is significant time savings on making the team in the school. In addition, the school administration can use our system to schedule sessions with toy stores and other avenues that contribute to the good up-bringing of the kids. Furthermore, our system also offers time savings for the school administration from not visiting the toy store every time there is a need for a new game in the school. The second area is for students between the ages of 9th and 12th grades. The solution for this area is more sophisticated than the younger than 9 years solution. In the solution for the grades between 9 and 12 years old pupils, there are strong components that focus on building and sharpening skills in the students in preparing them for college.
For example, there are group competitions that are designed for building team membership and collaboration skills.
In addition, the school academic activities will all be digitized and administered using a computer. This makes the school prepare for the new edge in technology by using teleconferencing that allows the school to construct and borrow games from other academic institutions, games that are known to push the frontier of success in students' lives. At the university level, our solutions open new doors of knowledge for the students and their professors. First, the student can complement his/her education with remote classes that are given by expert schools (like Ivy League schools) that are not close to the city where the students are based. In fact, our solutions are all chained together in a manner that enables the students to prepare for and engage in all aspects of life, whether it is education teleconferencing or outside-academia teleconferencing (consultant teleconferencing, gift teleconferencing, and social media teleconferencing).
Not only are the students capable of landing a job quicker once they graduate because of multi-schooling education, but they will consider taking more courses online after their graduation to keep their skills sharp and up to date. Moreover, at the university level, our solutions enable the students to take different courses that might be shared between them across different specialties. Our solutions also allow the students to take specialty courses, all from home, courses like those given in the educational institutes but taught remotely. For example, courses in language, sales, marketing, HR to name a few. The product easily manages students, teachers, and learning assets; the course material is available online and enables the individual to overcome hurdles in teaching. For example, overcoming learning obstacles is made easier by our product as our solution offers easily accessible online access, intuitive learning interface, combined with engaged learning material. Furthermore, those with physical disabilities can have easy access to education. In addition, the solution not only allows students to keep track of their performance/attendance, but also allows students to learn using their mobile device or tablets.
Moreover, the solution introduces new features into education that advance knowledge delivery and acquisition. Specifically, the solution introduces online collaboration between students beyond the classrooms. For example, notification dashboards, blogs, clubs, and portals accessed during camping. Hence, it is more affordable than attending private schools. These dashboards are very novel. The school itself will have an online portal where students can be notified about any news regarding their courses and their progress. Also, parents can access the school portal to enquire about their children status.
SCHOOL SOLUTION has expert yet intuitive features that are at the finger tips of an everyday user. These features address your needs. The course material can be easily imported and added to the site. Visual content (videos and audios) can be either from the web or content that has been uploaded to the portal. HD video quality, limited steps to setup a meeting and trivial payment methods that are already commonly known such as paypal, SMS based payment, credit card, and scratch based pay cards are to name a few features that address your needs and available in our SCHOOL SOLUTION.
Benefits of School Solution
- Allows individuals to overcome hurdles in teaching. For example, overcoming learning obstacles, physical disabilities, people with low vision abilities, people with mobility challenges or learning disabilities will have easy access to education, thereby allowing us to add value to the national economies by providing a more educated population and more educated work force.
- Allows students to keep track of their performance/attendance
- Allows students to learn using their mobile device or tablets.
- Is fully equipped to prepare students for their entire lives, starting with below grade 9, and all the way through grade 12, college, graduate studies and open studies in life.
- Introduces online collaboration between students beyond the classrooms. For example, notification dashboards, blogs, clubs, and portals accessed during camping. Hence, it is more affordable than attending private schools.
- Teachers can replace each other in online sessions
- Digital assignments where students can fill their assignments online, students record their assignments through their webcams
- Multi-language and cross platform (linux, windows, Mac)